Friday, August 14, 2020

First Line Friday's

First Line Friday hosted by  Hoarding Books Blog  

    Late September 

Thirty-eight Miles off North Carolina's Coast

"Greg Barnes clinked along the grated metal steps, his boot heels rasping with each shuffle as he headed topside for a much-needed breath of smoke." 

I love Dani Pettrey's Coastal Guardians series.  


  1. That's a very descriptive opener!

  2. Happy Friday!!! Today, I'm sharing the first line from Ruby Moon by Jenny Knipfer. "I see the moon, and I imagine the moon sees me -- every hidden part."

  3. My first line is a long one from Chapter two of Vying for The Viscount by Kristi Hunter:
    Suffolk was as beautiful as his father had claimed, and the estate and stables were even grander than his grandfather had described in his letters, but no one had warned Hudson that the area was inhabited by crazed women.

    I really want to read Dani’s new book!
