Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Matter of Honor by Laura Frantz review


When I learned that my favorite secondary character from The Rose and the Thistle Orin was getting a novella I knew I had to read it. I was not disappointed I was blessed with the sweetest romance of two childhood sweethearts and second chances

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Pen Pal for Christmas by Jess Mastorakos review

Title: A Pen Pal for Christmas 

Author: Jess Mastorakos 

Ch: 27 plus epilogue 

Pg: 267

Series: Christmas in Snow Hill

Genre:  Christmas Rom Com 

Rating: 4.5 stars 

Publisher: Indie 

I have to say this might be my favorite book in The Christmas in Snow Hill series. I loved Sophia since meeting her as a secondary character in Snowed in For Christmas. So, I was glad she was getting her own story. Hudson, I just love a Marine hero. And the pen pals writing back and forth gives it a bit of a you’ve got mail vibes with letters instead.  And Snow Hill always feels like a magical Christmas town every time I pick up one of the books. And I loved that this one had a bit of mystery with it. 


I received a copy of this book from the author I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Targeted Beirut by Jack Carr and James M Scott

 Targeted Beirut isn’t the first book written about Beirut but it is the first one that focues on the boots on the ground and the events leading up to it rather than the political leaders. It gives a voice to the victims and the survivors. As well as sharing possibly some of there last words. 

I know more about Beirut  than a lot of people my age even though I wasn’t alive when the bombing happened simply by being the daughter of Marine who had been in Beirut as part of the peacekeeping force. While he wasn’t there when the bombing happened he’d been there before. And he was part of the unit that was there after. So he saw the aftermath first hand. So in my life October 23 is a day of remembrance every year. 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Runaway Bride and Prejudice by Emma St. Clair review

Title:  Runaway Bride and Prejudice

Author: Emma St Clair

Chapters:30 Plus epilogue

Series: Appies # 5

Pages: 418

Genre: Hockey Rom Com, Rom Com, Sports Rom Com

Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: Indie

There’s only one rule that hockey players are smart enough not to break don’t date the coach’s daughter unfortunately Van’s not that smart. Van ends up being the get away driver for Amelia the runaway bride and coach’s daughter. He might be the bad boy of the Appies but there’s more to him than meets the eye.  And in Runaway Bride and Prejudice you get to peel back the layers and find Robbie not Van. I have to say he’s replaced Felix as my favorite Appie

Friday, January 24, 2025

Cornered by Lynnette Eason, Lynn Blackburn and Natalie Walters review

Title: Cornered 

Author: Lynette Eason, Lynn Blackburn, Natalie Walters 
Pg: 368
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense
Rating: 5 stars
Publisher: Revell

Title: In the Dark
Author: Lynette Eason
Ch: 24
Rating: 4 Star

While I didn't love this one a much as I did the rest of the book in the Lake City Heroes. I did enjoy this novella that serves as a gap between book 2 and book and 3 and gives us  the story of Step Cross James Cross's sister and Detective Tate Cooper James's coworker. I loved the suspense aspect of this one not so much the romance. 

Title: DownFall
Author: Lynn Blackburn
Ch: 16 plus epilogue
Rating: 4.5stars

I loved this novella in the Gossamer falls series and this one fits in nicely between book one and book two. As much as I loved Cassie and Donovan's story. It's easy to see why this couple's story wouldn't have worked as a novel but was perfect as a novella. 

Title: Perilous Obsession

Author: Natalie Walters

Ch: 24

Rating: 5 stars

I will read anything Natalie Walters writes. It's hard to say what series is my favorite. Though because I love each series for different reasons. Though Better Watch out is currently my favorite full length novel because I'm a sucker for a Christmas Rom Com that's not cheesy and having the hero be Former NHL defenseman turned personal protection agent. But I have to say Briggs Turner is giving Nicholas  Garcia a run for his money as my favorite SNAP agency hero. And of course Lahela is just how I pictured a certain cryptologist sister to be. Not to mention this book has my favorite line Natalie's ever written okay my two favorite lines. The first one being. "‘knight in Wrangler armor."  But the one that takes the cake is "BOOTS. Some guys liked a woman in heels, but for Briggs, it was always boots." And as a woman who prefers boots to heels where can I find a real life Briggs?   


 I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.