Friday, January 1, 2016

Reading Challenges for 2016

Since I working full time now and I am determine to finish the manuscript I started for Nawrimo I am setting my reading goal for the year at 70. And the only challenges I am doing for the year are the ones on goodreads.

I am starting 2016 with 96 books on the TBR pile.

 2016 Goodreads Challenges
Mt. Readmore Challenge 2016
     Mt Fuji Read 25-35
Finish the series Reading challenge
     Fascinated Finish 3-5 series
All the Single ladies 2016
     1-5 Stand alone
12 for 12
1. A book published before you were born

2. A book that you can finish in a day

3. A book that intimidates you

4. A book chosen for you by someone- your spouse, child, friend, librarian- you choose who chooses!

5. A book you previously abandoned

6. A book set in your home state (country)

7. An actual book of the Bible- choose from Genesis-Revelation

8. A book in a genre that you typically don't read

9. A book set somewhere that you've always wanted to visit

10. A book with a non-human character

11. A book with a one word title

12. A book that made you cry
Library Challenge
     Picture book- 6 -15 library books
Nonfiction challenge
     Sophomore/wise fool 6-15
What's in a name 2016
     1. A book with "alliteration in the title" .- e.g.- Mist of Midnight

2. A book with a "Day of the week" in the title- e.g.- Saturday Morning

3. A book with a "word with" ing" " in the title- e.g. -Angels Walking

4. A book with a "word that has to do with the weather" in the title e.g.- The Snow Queen

5. A book with an adjective in the title- e.g.- The Fairest Beauty

6. A book with an "animal" in the title-e.g.- The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe

Back to the Classics 2016
     3-10 Classics Sophomore
January Reading challenge The TBR Pile
     3-4 making more room
Around the world in 365 days
     1-5 Countries
Cozy Mystery Craving
     1-10 A Little Appetizer

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