After seeing the because of Disney and what I’ve learned from
Disney on pinterest it’s given me an idea for a post. I know I have posted in
while but I’ve been busy with school. More on that later, back the Disney post.
Growing up I loved Disney movies but not the typical princess movies, because they
were nothing like the original fairy tales. As they were written as warnings
not stories. But even though I didn’t like the princess Disney movies I still
learned things from them. But first what I learned from my favorite Disney
From Beauty and the Beast

From Peter Pan

I actually did try to fly (kids don't try this at Home) by jumping off the kitchen counter. Thankfully I didn't break anything.
From The Fox and The Hound

From Ratatouille

From Lilo

From Lady and The Tramp

From Mulan

From Frozen

From Monsters INC

From Aladdin

Finally From Pocahontas