Monday, January 16, 2017

Review of The Shadow Queen

The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1): Title: The Shadow Queen

Author: C.J. Redwine

Series: Ravenspire book 1
Chapters: 40 plus epilogue

Pages: 387

Genre: fanstay fairy tale retelling

Rating: 4 Stars

     Once Upon a Time made like Snow White. The Shadow Queen made me love her. Lorelai is not your typical Snow white character. She's willing to fight for her kingdom to take it back from the evil queen. To me The Shadow Queen is what would happen if you took Snow from Once and combined her with Emma from Once.
     Lorelai is Snow from the first seasons flash backs and Emma, because she's tough like Snow and has magic like Emma.  However that is where the similarities to Once end.  The evil queen in The Shadow Queen isn't a misunderstood victim, she's just plain evil there's no redeeming her.  

     However The Shadow Queen isn't a Once retelling it's an unique twist on the whole Snow White story.  It's a story that shows that princesses can save themselves that they aren't all damsels in distress.  

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