Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Under the Magnolias by T.I. Lowe reivew

 Title:  Under the Magnolias

Author:  T.I. Lowe

Ch: 16 Plus epilogue

Pg:  363

Rating: 4 stars

Publisher: Tyndall


I'm not going to lie Under the Magnolias by T.I. Lowe was a hard read not because of the writing but simply because it dealt with a tough subject. That the author handled with grace. 


Though I also lost my mom at a younger age suddenly I couldn't imagine it happening at 13 and having six younger siblings to care for as well as a father. At twenty something and having a nineteenth year sister when it happened but unlike Austin I only had to deal with a dad who zoned out for a only a few months so I don't know if I would have been able to hang on as long as Austin did. 


I get that Austin's family didn't want people to know but I still can't believe that the only person who noticed was another teenager. But Austin's childhood and teenage years made her who she was. 


I do recommend that you read this book but have tissues handy. 

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