Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Loyally Luke by Pepper Basham review

Title: Loyally Luke

Author: Pepper Basham

Ch: 23

Pg: 384

Series: Skymar book 3

Genre: Christian romance Christian rom com

Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

All I can say with Loyally Luke by Pepper Basham is finally. Not because I wanted the series to end, but because we finally get Luke’s story. And as someone who fell for Luke in the first book, I spent the second book falling deeper. But in Loyally Luke I fell head over heels, what can I say I’m a sucker for a country boy in flannel with a heart of gold. I have to say I love seeing more of Luke in this one.

I have to admit Ellie wasn’t who I pictured Luke falling for he who dislikes the rom com. It was hilarious to see him end up in one. His and Ellie’s meet cute was perfect for him. And there was more than meets the eye to Ellie.

This one gave me a bit of The Princess Diaries vibes and all the movie references. Whoever thought a country boy could charm a princess. But for me it was Luke dropping The Princess Bride quotes into normal conversation. And then accidentally creating what I thought was the perfect country song.

And like all of Peppers books faith is threaded throughout the story and plays out in the characters’ lives. And love that Luke is a man of faith that makes him the perfect hero in my book. That alone would do it but a country boy in flannel makes Luke even more realistic. And a perfect end to the series.


I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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