Monday, July 30, 2012

Review of While He was Away

Title: While He was Away

Author: Karen Schreck

Series: No though I kind of wish there will be a sequel.
Chapters: 25 plus a section of tips for Army girlfriends.

Pages: 249

Genre: Teen romance, life issues.

Rating: 4 ½ stars

     While He was Away is a different sort of book for teens. It takes on a serious nature to deal with an issue that effects more and older teens 17 and 18 year old high school seniors. Especially if one of those teens enlists in the military. As our soldier’s average age gets younger then so do their girlfriend’s age.
     This book looks at the families, friends, and girlfriends, left behind while the soldier’s at war. I know that it is important to remember the soldier’s who are fighting to protect our freedoms, let’s not forget the ones left behind. The ones that allow our soldier have to do what they do, the families and loved ones that hold down the home front.  Being a military wife of girlfriend is not easy, as a wife sometimes you have to be both mom and dad. As a girlfriend it is hard watching your friends go out with their boyfriends while you wait for a letter, an email or time on spkye.
     While He was Away is told from Penna’s point of view of her life and how she learns to cope while her boyfriend David is away in Iraq with the army.   While He was Away was a well written novel and the author tried hard to show what a military girlfriend goes through while her boyfriend is away in a war zone.  I am also not afraid to admit that While He was Away made me cry because it reminded me of my own teenage relationship with my won solider. While my relationship didn’t last I don’t’ regret the time I spent with him.  While I’ll do enjoy light hearted summer reads I am glad that more and more authors of teen books are touching on life’s issues that teen’s face.  

I just felt like reviewing a book that i checked out from my local library.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Review of Remembrance

Title: Remembrance 

Author: Michelle Madow

Series: Transcend Time Saga
Chapters: 38

Pages: 314

Genre: teen fiction fantasy?

Rating: 4 stars

     Remembrance is Michelle Madow’s first novel.  She originally wrote it as an assignment for one of her classes after listening to and seeing the video for Taylor Swift’s Love Story.  Even though I don’t believe in reincarnation if you look at that part as fantasy or as a fairy tale then it’s a cute story.
     Lizzie Davenport finds out that she has been reincarnated from Regency England, and even though she has a boyfriend she ends up falling for   Drew Carmichael who by modern standards would be a bad boy. But he is also the guy that Lizzie loved in her pasted life.  If Lizzie follows through with a relationship with Drew how much will she lose? Will she lose her best friend Chelsea?
     For a first time author Michelle brought the story to life. I am looking forward to the next two stories. Part two is Chelsea’s story so to speak and book three wraps of the trilogy.  I love how a song gave her the idea to write the book Remembrance, and surprisingly Love Story is one of my favorite Taylor Swift song. 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Review of Sweetheart Reunion

Title: Sweetheart Reunion

Author: Lenora Worth

Series: Love inspired
Chapters: 20

Pages: 215

Genre: Christian Romance

Rating: 4 ½ stars

     A simple romance story as well as quick read after the story picked up.  I just love the love inspire line when I need a quick read or I want to get lost in a story.

     Sweetheart Reunion is the story of two high school sweethearts Alma Blanchard and Julien LeBlanc. Julien was the high school bad boy. Now Alma runs her mother’s bayou café, and Julien is a gulf fisherman. Sweetheart Reunion is your typical Love inspired book but I enjoyed the story. I also loved that the book was set in the heart of Cajun Country, which for me was the first time I read a love inspired books set there. 

This book is from my own bookshelf the review is my own thoughts, I just felt like sharing what I thought about the book.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

reading this week

 Skip Rock Shallows by Jan Watson
While He Was Away by Karen Schreck
Lily by Diane Ashley
Hero Dad Melinda Hardin
The First Strawberries by Joseph Bruchac
The Midwife’s Legacy by Jane Kirkpatrick

Currently reading
Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant
My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade
The Bull Rider’s Baby by Brenda Minton

Non-fiction reading

Katherine the Queen: The Remarkable life of Katherine Parr by Linda Porter

Getting ready to read

The Queen’s Vow by C.W. Gortner
Love in Disguise by Carol Cox
A Texans’s Honor by Shelley Gray
A Long way from you by Gwendolyn Heasley
Captive Trail by Susan Page Davis
Her Fmaily Wish by Betsy St. Amant
Wildflower Bride in Dry Creek by Janet Tronstad

For school 

On My Kindle


Devotional reading
The Book of James from the Bible
Discovering the Treasure of a Godly Woman: Proverbs 31 by Elizabeth George
Lifegroup- reading through John

Reviews Posted this week

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Harvest of Rubies Give way Winner

The Winner of  the A Harvest of Rubies give away is Liz R.

Liz email me your mailing address at belovedgraceful(at)bellsouth(dot)net. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A love worth fighting for

Title: A Love Forbidden

Author: Kathleen Morgan

Series: Heart of the Rockies
Chapters: 20

Pages: 310

Genre: Christian Historical fiction, Christian Historical Romance, Western romance

Rating: 5 Stars

      A Love Forbidden is the second book in the Heart of the Rockies series. It however is not really a true squeal to first book, you could read this book without reading the first if you wanted, but if you’re like me then chances are you read books in order.  You First meet Shiloh Wainwright in the first book, but A Love Forbidden is entirely Shiloh’s story.

     Shiloh takes a teaching job at the White River Indian Agency to teach the Ute Indian children English. She hopes that the fact that she speaks Ute will allow the Ute to open up to her. In the process she runs into her childhood friend Jesse Blackwater; who is half Ute half white and doesn’t really know where he fits in.
     As the second book in the Heart of the Rockies series it is written a little different from the first book. The plot development is different it is a little slower than in the first book. Even though Jesse and Shiloh knew each other before they have to rebuild their friendship. They danger strikes and they are torn apart again. Will things end differently this time? Will Jesse and Shiloh find a place together or will a difference of skin tone and family tear them apart again.

     Even though A Forbidden Love was different from A Heart Divided I found myself liking this one even more than the first. That’s what I love about books in a series that are written slightly different, because that way everyone can find something they like. A Forbidden Love has something for everyone action, adventure, and love. There is even a Red Shirt style hero (though you would only get that if you have read Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz.) I hope that there is a third book in this series. 

I checked this book out from my local library because it looked good. I wrote the review of my own choosing to tell others about this book. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Western Family Feud

Title: A Heart Divided

Author:   Kathleen Morgan

Series: Heart of the Rockies
Chapters: 20

Pages: 329

Genre: Christian Historical fiction, Christian Historical Romance, Western Romance

Rating: 5 stars
     Sarah Caldwell just wants a better life for her younger brother Danny, but when a robbery that her father stages against the Wainwrights in which their family has ongoing feud with; Sarah finds herself Cord Wainwright’s prisoner.
     Cord has a lot of bitterness that he has yet to let go of. Noah wants his brother to be happy and thinks that it could happen with Sarah.
     A Heart Divided by Kathleen Morgan was an awesome read. I have always loved westerns it’s just been hard to find a book that balanced the heroine in being strong and independent but also knowing when she needs help. Sarah was the right combination for a heroine. Sarah was strong but she also knew when to run to God. Cord was also the prefect cowboy hero even though he had things to work out.
     The feud aspect kind of reminded of the feuds in Kentucky’s history even though A Heart Divided was set out west. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.  

I checked this book out from my local library because it looked good. I wrote the review of my own choosing to tell others about this book. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Reading this week

Pilgrims Don’t Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm
The Civil War in the Smokies by Noel Fisher
Murder on Fifth Avenue by Victoria Thompson
The Secret Keeper a Novel of Kateryn Parr by Sandra Byrd
Sweetheart Reunion by Lenora Worth

Currently reading
Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant
Skip Rock Shallows by Jan Watson
While He Was Away by Karen Schreck

Non-fiction reading
Jasmine and Fire A Bittersweet Year in Beirut by Salma Abdelnour I couldn’t get into this book

Getting ready to read
Lily by Diane Ashley
Unbreak My Heart by Melissa C. Walker
The Queen’s Vow by C.W. Gortner
Love in Disguise by Carol Cox

For school 

On My Kindle


Devotional reading
The Book of James from the Bible
Discovering the Treasure of a Godly Woman: Proverbs 31 by Elizabeth George

Reviews Posted this week

Almost Amish

Who says Pilgrims can't wear pink

The Secret Keeper

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Review of The Secret Keeper by Sandra Byrd

Title: The Secret Keeper: A Novel of Kateryn Parr

Author: Sandra Byrd

Series: It’s the second book about a wife of Henry VIII
Chapters: 20

Pages: 330

Genre: Christian Historical fiction

Rating: 5 stars

     Juliana St. John finds herself a lady in waiting to Lady Latimer Kateryn Parr.  For the first time in her life Juliana finds a place to belong. Juliana has visions that caused her mother to label her a witch. Juliana thanks to her father has had a fine education. She can read both English and Latin as well as speak both languages. Juliana ended up in Kateryn’s household because Thomas Seymour put in a good word for Juliana.
     Kateryn wants educated young woman in her household, but more importantly those who share her faith. Kateryn Parr is of the reformed faith. Juliana follows Kateryn to court when Henry orders Kateryn, what both Kateryn and Juliana do not realize the danger that they are both end. Even though the novel is about Kateryn Parr and Juliana St. John, but the novel is told from Juliana’s point of view, it is mostly how Juliana reacts to what goes on with Henry and Kateryn.
     Juliana hopes to find a new life at court and maybe a new love, will she find both with James Hart? Or will Juliana have to return home and marry the man her mother and guardian want her to marry?
     I enjoyed The Secret Keeper better than I did Too Die For, but I think that is because Kateryn Parr has always been my favorite out of all of Henry VIII’s wives.  Sandra Byrd has done it again. I hope that she has another novel of Henry VIII’s wives in the future. I recommend this book to anyone who loves Tudor history and Christian Historical fiction.

I was given a copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who Says Pilgrims can't wear pink

Title: Pilgrims don’t wear Pink

Author: Stephanie Kate Strohm

Series: there is a squeal coming next year
Chapters: 11

Pages: 204

Genre: Teen fiction, Teen chick lit

Rating: 3 stars (It was a cute story but because of some language I could only give it three stars. Also because I want to be fair to others reading my review, it could be a 4 or even a 5 for those who don’t care about language.

     In Pilgrims don’t wear Pink Libby Kelting is excited about spending the summer interning at Camden Harbor, which is basically a living history museum. Libby has always been into history. She is a history and book nerd, but you couldn’t tell that by looking at her. Blond Libby does not scream nerd.
     When she gets to Camden Harbor Libby offends one of the other intern, and ends living on a ship with a nerd/geek Garrett McCaffrey who is a would be newspaper reporter. Too Libby it’s not all bad when she ends up meeting what she terms a hot guy.

     Despite the language issues the cuss words, I enjoyed the story for the most part, language aside it was a cute story. To me if the one cuss word hadn’t been used the story would have been even better. But I get that Pilgrims don’t wear Pink is mainstream teen fiction so other people will overlook that.

     I loved the idea of the book and the writing. History and book nerd spends the summer interning at a living history museum that story is right up my alley. As a child it was my dream to work at Colonial Williamsburg one day, some dreams change. So I could relate to how Libby felt when she got to Camden Harbor.

     For the most part I did enjoy the book. For a first novel the author did an awesome job and I am actually looking forward to the squeal coming next year set in the south. Pilgrims don’t wear Pink has something for everyone, the history nerds, book nerds, and people who just want a quick summer read.

(I checked this book out from my local library, because my sister wanted to read it and my  parents have me read books first before they let her read them. I then read the book make notes to give to my parents for the final say. So I thought with the teen books that I read to preview for my sister I would post my thoughts on my blog in review form. To help parents and even teens decide if a book they want to read or if they would want their kids to read it. Parents I would still suggest that you skim through any book your kids wanted to read, to watch what your kids are reading plus to stay involved.)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Review of Almost Amish

Title: Almost Amish

Author: Nancy Sleeth

Series: no
Chapters: 10

Pages: 245

Genre: non fiction

Rating: 4 stars

                Almost Amish is a non-fiction how to book of sorts that helps the reader to finds easy ways to live almost Amish. How even non Amish people can apply Amish beliefs and principles to their own lives. I enjoyed the book and discover ways to help make my life simpler. For a non-fiction book it was a really quick read. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Reading this week


Love of a Lifetime by Carol Voss
Redemption Ranch by Leann Harris

Currently reading

Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK by Betsy St. Amant
Skip Rock Shallows by Jan Watson
Sweetheart Reunion by Lenora Worth
While He Was Away by Karen Schreck
Pilgrims Don’t Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm

Non-fiction reading

The Civil War in the Smokies by Noel Fisher
Jasmine and Fire A Bittersweet Year in Beirut by Salma Abdelnour

Getting ready to read

Murder on Fifth Avenue by Victoria Thompson
Lily by Diane Ashley
Unbreak My Heart by Melissa C. Walker
The Queen’s Vow by C.W. Gortner
Love in Disguise by Carol Cox

On My Kindle/Reviewing

Nothing right now

Devotional reading
The Book of James from the Bible
Discovering the Treasure of a Godly Woman: Proverbs 31 by Elizabeth George

Reviews Posted this week

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reading challenge update

So far I am doing good in the reading challenges expect one.

the chick lit challenge

2012 Reading Challenges

Reading Challenges that I am working on in 2012
Fairy Tales read told Hosted by Debz Bookshelf

3 books- peasant completed my challenge  and up my challenge to six  

2012 Young Adult Reading Challenge
Hosted by Bumps in the road

I chose the Mini YA Reading Challenge-read 12 young adult novels. I completed the 12 young adult novels and continued to read young adult books. I am now up to 29 

2012 Support your Local library Challenge hosted by the Eclectic bookshelf
I am choosing Level 4- read 37+ books I easily reached my goal, I guess that's what happened when you work at a library. I am now at

I am choosing struggling addiction:  10 Books-historical fiction challenge on goodreads  
I have finished this challenge. 


I am choosing to read Elementary- 5 Nonfiction books

I have too more to read in this challenge. 

 To read books that have been sitting on your bookshelf.

Books that you have gotten prior to 2012. I only choose tempted 5 books to read but I think that I have read more than that.

The 2012 Christian Suspense Reading Challenge and I am going for the Captain - 20 to 50 Christian Suspense books level.  So far I have read 13 for this challenge. 

1.Too Close to Home by Lynette Eason  Jan 12, 2012
2.Don't Look Back by Lynette Eason Jan 21, 2012
3. The Captain's Mission by Debby Giusti Feb 9, 2012
4.A Killer among us by Lynette Eason Feb 11, 201
5. Deadly Pursuit by Irene Hannon
6.Protecting the Princess by Rachelle McCalla
7.The Lawman's Legacy by  Shirlee McCoy
8.The Rookie's Assignment by Valerie Hansen 
9.The Detective's Secret Daughter by Rachelle McCalla
10.The Widow’s Protector by Stephanie Newton 
11.The Black Sheep's Redemption by Lynette Eason  
12.In Harm’s Way by Irene Hannon 
13.The Deputy's Duty by Terri Reed

Historical Fiction reading challenge .over at and goodreads 
The challenge runs from January 1, 2012 and ends December 31, 2012.

2. There are four levels to this challenge: Lady In Waiting 1-3 Books, Earl 4-6 Books, Prince 7-10 Books, Queen 12+ Books

I am choosing queen 12+ books.  You don't need a blog to do the challenge you can post the books on goodreads as you finish the books. 

I am now at 13 books 


Cupcakes War Reading Challenge  2012 
2 books per month 
January Juvenile fiction complete
February Romance Fiction complete  
March Mysteries complete 
April Adult fiction complete
May Memoirs complete 
June Just Chick Lit complete


I've read 14 books towards my Fifty state challenges 

Alabama- The Wedding Dress by  Rachel Hauck
Colorado- A Heart Divided by Kathleen Morgan
Georgia- The One that I want by Jennifer Echoles
Kentucky-The Queen of Kentucky by Alecia Whitaker
Massachusetts- The Widow’s Protector by Stephanie Newton 
Missouri-Sketchy Behavior By Erynn Magnum
New York- Love Story by Jennifer Echols
North Carolina- The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Oklahoma-Oklahoma Reunion by Tina Radcliffe
South Carolina-Don't Look Back by Lynette Eason
Tennessee- The Bridal Swap by Karen Kirst
Texas- Texas Ranger Dad by Debra Clopton
Washington- Seattle Cinderella by Gail Sattler
Wyoming - Summer of Promise by Amanda Cabot

And I've read 117 books toward my goodreads goal of 210. 

To see a complete list of