Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Review of Kill Me Softly

Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross Kill Me Softly

Author: Sarah Cross

Series: Beau Rivage book 1
Chapters: 21

Pages: 331

Genre: Teen fairytale retelling

Rating: 3 stars (mainly due to the use of language)
Kill Me Sofly is a fairy tale retelling that is set in a fictional town called Beau Rivage that is a fairy tale town. Everyone is pretty much under a fairy tale cursed. Either as the one that is cursed or an honor bound which is basically the one who is supposed to break the curse.

MiraBelle or Mira is a girl who grew up away from Beau Rivage but wants to find about her the place where she was born. So on the eve of her sixteenth birthday she goes. Based on the cover I thought that it was going to be a Beauty and the Beast retelling instead it was actually a Sleeping Beauty retelling which was fine. It was actually the first fairy tale retelling that I have read. I really did enjoy in the book.  It was also neat to read about the other fairy tale characters in the town. I am looking forward to reading Tear You Apart which is a Snow White and huntsman retelling.

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