Friday, March 6, 2020

First Line Friday

First Lines Friday hosted by Hoarding Books Blog

A Girl's Guide to the Outback | Waiting on Wednesday

"Samuel Payton was an idiot." 

I love this opening line love Jessica's Kate Rom Com's in book form.


  1. My first line comes from The Blue Cloak by Shannon McNear
    June1,1797 Knox County, Tennessee
    It was unbecoming to be jealous of a dear friend’s marriage.

    I love your cat!

  2. Happy Friday! My first line is from "Take a Chance on Me" by Becky Wade:

    "The hospital's electronic doors whooshed open as Penelope Quinn rushed toward the emergency room."

  3. Happy Friday! I enjoyed A Girl's Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate! Today, I'm sharing the first line from An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz: "Why could she not quit pondering that flounced petticoat?"

  4. Great first line!

    Happy Friday! 🙂
    Today on my blog I’m sharing the first line from Promised by Leah Garriott: It’s such a good book. I’m currently reading When He Found Me by Victoria Bylin so I’ll share a line from there.
    “Getting the apartment ready in twenty four hours took all the energy MJ could muster.”
    Hope you have a great weekend. Happy reading! ❤📖

  5. I'm sharing from A Convenient Fiction by Mimi Matthews on my blog today. This is the second line:

    "The water lapped over her head, leaves and debris floating along the surface in the midmorning sun."

    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
