Friday, October 15, 2021

First Line Friday

 Hosted by Reading is my Superpower

Chapter one 

"If Rory Perez could find a way to wad all the Cilantro into the entire world into a ball and hurl it into outer space, it still wouldn't far enough removed for her preference." 


  1. My first line is from A Deep Divide by Kim Woodhouse:
    The sugary sweet cherry flavor burst on Emma Grace McMurray’s tongue and made her mouth water.

  2. This looks like a fun one! I'm reading The Mobster's Daughter by Rachel Scott McDaniel: "September 28, 1923, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Snapping wind yanked at the letter in my hand, and my fingers tightened, the crisp edge biting into my palm." Happy Weekend!

  3. That's a funny first line and I look forward to reading it later this month :)

  4. I featured this one on my blog this week too! 😉 I’m currently reading Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan; here’s the first line: “George Henry Devonshire is only eight years old and he already knows the truth.”

    Happy reading! 😊
